(Nomads Rules of Play – March 2024)
7.1. The competition is an annual event, run during the playing year, each round to be completed by dates determined by the Club Executive and terminating with the Final Round, which shall be played during the course of a club’s annual ‘Gold Cup’ meeting, with the exception that, in the event that a player or layers cannot play on that date, that, with the clear acceptance of all the participants, the GPKO and/or the late finals may take place before Gold Cup Day, and at the course on which Gold Cup is scheduled.
7.2. Any qualifying Member of NOMADS (see Constitution Clause 7) in good standing shall be eligible to enter this competition in partnership with any other Member of his own choice and by mutual agreement. A combined entry fee, as determined by the Club Executive, shall be payable upon entering.
7.3. Once a pairing has been arranged and entered, no substitution of partners shall be permitted if the pair have actually played a competitive round.
NOTE: If one player is unable to compete and no other date is possible the remaining player plus combined handicap may play on his own.
7.4. All matches (other than the final round) shall be played outside the normal monthly NOMADS meeting unless agreed to by the Club Executive.
7.5. Upon closure of entries for the competition, a draw for the first round shall be made. A new draw shall be made for each subsequent round, all players going ‘into the hat’ (i.e. there shall be no ‘seeding’ nor shall the ladder-type draw be used, for reasons under Rule 7.7 below.
7.6. Any matches, in any round, which have not been played by the date determined for the completion of the round, shall be deemed to be in default. The defaulting pair shall be eliminated.
7.7. The pair first drawn in each match shall enjoy the choice of venue for the match to be played, with the exception of the final round which game shall be played at the Annual Gold Cup Meeting.
7.8. The first pair drawn in each match shall be responsible for making all arrangements for the match and for reporting the result. They shall give their opponents at least 3 dates on recognised golfing days, two of which shall be on weekends and the venue shall be one included on the Club roster. Once a date has been chosen it can only be changed by mutual consent.
7.9. Each individual handicap as well as the combined handicap for each pair shall be published for each round, and this handicap shall be added in full to the total Medal Stableford points scored during the match by each of the individuals in the pair. It shall be incumbent upon each player to check his current Nomads Maximum Handicap and if necessary, adjust his NOMADS handicap in terms of Rule 2.1.1 hereof before each match.
7.10. A match shall be won by the pair which achieves the higher combined score over the 18 holes.
7.11. In the event of scores being tied after 18 holes, the match shall proceed on a ‘sudden death’ basis, no further handicap allowance being given to either side.
7.12. The ‘Gary Player Trophy’ shall be awarded to the winning finalists and shall be held by them for a period of one year but remains the sole and entire property of the NOMADS GOLF CLUB.
7.13. The winning finalists and the runners-up shall also receive awards which they shall retain in perpetuity.
7.14. Should entries warrant it, the Club Executive may, at their sole discretion, run a Plate event.
7.15. Partners in the Gary Player Knock-out Competition and the Plate Competition, if such a competition be run, shall be at liberty to render assistance to one another at all times other than when their matches are played at a Club monthly meeting.
7.16. Should a partner or a pairing be declared a defaulter for any cause during the playing year of the competition, the pairing shall be eliminated from any further participation in the competition, and the note under 7.3 will not apply.